Sunday, January 17, 2010

Alpha Design

There has been much progress over the last week plus. There has been a plethora of art including environments, new mech designs, and menu screens. The Alpha design doc has only three sections remaining before it is completed. In terms of programming the main interface and facebook app is created and available on Facebook however it is being worked on and improved with new features daily. We are expecting to have an alpha game with placeholder in the upcoming weeks.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We now are up on Facebook as an Application. This was a big step in our production. The Game Doc is nearing completion for Alpha and our Programmers and Artists are hard at work. You can now contact Elemechs team at We have a twitter @Elemechs and a Fan Page on Facebook More updates coming soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lots of Production - Concept Art

Just a few more concepts that are becoming more concrete so we can start production on breaking them done and making each mech part modular. As far as the Avatar types we are still talking about the style but leaning towards the two that I have posted.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Air Mechs and Revised Water Mech

Many changes coming and will tell about them soon ^_^

Monday, January 4, 2010

Starting Production

We finally met as an entire group today and made some great conversation about Elemechs. With the team together we set up some good meeting times about 4-5 times a week throughout production. The Design doc is almost where it needs to be for an Alpha Document that can be handed off to the programers and UI is being worked on as well.

As far as more progress with Mech Concepts Ben has been very busy and created 3 more concepts for mechs shown above. More is coming very soon and progress is continuing on the Design.